The Signature HD

4.6 ( 9416 ratings )
라이프 스타일 엔터테인먼트
개발자: New World Development Company Limited
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Welcome to The Signature as our prestigious residents. The Signature occupies a prime location in the Mid-level commanding breathtaking views of the Victoria Harbour and the city, offering 66 well appointed residences of over 2,000 sq ft. With this iPad App, you and your family could absolutely take pleasure in the indulgence of booking Club House facilities and keep alongside of the latest updates about The Signature anywhere round the clock.

歡迎閣下成為春暉8號尊貴的住戶。春暉8號位於港島傳統豪宅半山優越地段,毗鄰跑馬地及銅鑼灣,其高層單位坐擁遼闊開揚的大都會美景及維園煙花海景。春暉8號提供66伙面積逾2,000呎的珍藏大宅及豪華私人會所。閣下與府上各人可透過 iPad 軟件,隨時隨地預訂會所設施及優先獲取屋苑資訊,全面享受會所設施和禮賓服務。

欢迎阁下成为春晖8号尊贵的住户。春晖8号位于港岛传统豪宅半山优越地段,毗邻跑马地及铜锣湾,其高层单位坐拥辽阔开扬的大都会美景及维园烟花海景。春晖8号提供66伙面积逾2,000呎的珍藏大宅及豪华私人会所。阁下与府上各人可透过 iPad 软件,随时随地预订会所设施及优先获取屋苑资讯,全面享受会所设施和礼宾服务。